Project Documentation

SECUBIC Documentation, Road Map and Release Information


Customer case study, partnership and Our Mission

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NEW! SecuQuickScan360

Release as first step of research-evolution; simple, easy-to-use, developmental cybersecurity tool designed for checking digital resources. As a part of Secubic's innovative suite, SecuQuickScan360 will offer a straightforward approach to identifying vulnerabilities within a range of selected digital assets.
It will allow for manual scans of IP addresses, websites, web applications and various file types including executables (.exe, .bin) and scripts (.bat, etc.) by making targeted security checks, allowing users to pinpoint and address specific concerns.
With a user-friendly interface, SecuQuickScan is accessible to users of all skill levels. Initiating scans is as simple as a few clicks, making it an ideal choice for those new to cybersecurity or looking for a no-fuss solution. After each scan, SecuQuickScan delivers concise reports that highlight detected vulnerabilities, helping you understand potential risks and suggesting steps for mitigation.
Release date of this tool will be available on our website home page. Check promo video here.

1. Development of Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions

Creating advanced security software and tools for network, application, and endpoint protection.

2. Integration of AI for Enhanced Security

Utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning for improved threat detection, analysis, and automated response.

3. Scalable and Flexible Architecture

Ensuring the solution is scalable to suit various business sizes and adaptable to evolving cybersecurity challenges.

4. User-Centric Design

Developing an intuitive and accessible user interface to accommodate users with varying levels of technical expertise.

5. Multi-Layered Security Approach

Implementing a layered security strategy, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption, for robust defense.

6. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

Ensuring the solution meets global security standards and regulatory requirements.

7. Continuous Monitoring and Real-Time Analytics

Providing real-time monitoring and analytics for immediate threat detection and response.

8. Cloud Compatibility and Support

Ensuring seamless integration and protection for cloud-based systems and services.

9. Regular Updates and Maintenance

Establishing a protocol for regular software updates and maintenance to address new vulnerabilities.

10. Community and Customer Feedback Incorporation

Regularly incorporating feedback from the cybersecurity community and customers for continuous improvement.

Main Topics for the Project Documentation File

Project Overview

Introduction to the project, goals, and objectives.

Technical Specifications

Detailed description of the technical architecture, including hardware and software requirements.

User Guide

Instructions for installation, configuration, and use of the SECUBIC solutions.

Security Features

Detailed explanation of security features, including AI integration, threat detection mechanisms, and encryption protocols.

Compliance and Standards

Information on compliance with cybersecurity standards and regulatory requirements.

Scalability and Customization Options

Guidelines on how to scale and customize the solution for different organizational needs.

Integration with Existing Systems

Instructions and best practices for integrating SECUBIC solutions with existing IT infrastructure.

Maintenance and Support

Information on maintenance schedules, update procedures, and support channels.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common issues and their solutions, along with frequently asked questions.

Feedback and Improvement Mechanisms

Processes for providing feedback and how it will be used to improve the solution.

This section is subject to change and is not final

Software FAQ

Network Threads Definitions